PROJECT: City of Greenville-Luzerne Lake Project
OWNER: Greenville Utility Commission
COMMENTS: RJA’s involvement in this project includes assisting in fund procurement, preliminary engineering for EDA grant/loan requirements, design, environmental permits, project bidding and construction inspection. This project is designed to remove sediment from Luzerne Lake. The lake has approximately 8,000 feet of shoreline, not counting the lake dam, which will not be disturbed. Assuming dredging will be done along the shoreline 30 feet in width and 10 feet deep on average, approximately, 90,000 cubic yards of sediment will be removed from the lake. This volume will provide additional storage for 18,000,000 gallons of water.
No two situations are alike and no two projects will ever be exactly the same. Our method of handling your project will be first to determine the specifics of your current situation and your objectives. We want to know your situation, requirements, and desires because our services are designed around your particular needs.
We will then give you our advice on the effects of regulatory programs and other outside factors that have a bearing on your situation, and we will develop a program that meets your objectives by incorporating the best available technology and the lowest life cycle cost into a facility that provides for current needs, allows for anticipated near and midterm growth, and provides for economical expansion.
As an integral part of the solution to the problem we will consider all possible methods of financing your project, including Federal or State grants or loans, and will advice you or work with your fiscal agent on the most appropriate method or methods for financing your program.
Holding down cost by maintaining a tight time schedule is an important way we can serve our clients, and we make every effort to complete our work as quickly as possible and to assist and advise everyone else involved in the project so they can keep their part of the work on schedule.
PROJECT: Dawson Springs Schools Safe Routes To School
OWNER: City of Dawson Springs, KY
COMMENTS: This project is under construction now. Included in the design is the replacement of the sidewalks, new sidewalks where none existed and retaining wall, ADA crosswalks and ramps on selected routes to the Dawson Springs Schools complex. RJA was responsible for the survey, design and construction inspection of this project. Presented here are pre-construction and finished photos.
PROJECT: Madisonville South Main Street Sewer Interceptor, Phases 1A.1, 1A.2, 1B
OWNER: City of Madisonville, KY
COMMENTS: Planning, Design, Permitting, and Construction Inspection of the Madisonville South Main Street Sewer Interceptor Project. This project includes one 1,000 GPM triplex lift station, 3,900 feet of force main, 46,907 feet of 8 to 12 inch gravity sewer, and 42,000 feet of 4 inch service line.
The project scope was to remove approximately 400 homes from either septic system, discharging into the abandon mine works or obsolete package treatment plants. RJA performed all engineering including permits, pipe routing and sizing, surveying, obtaining easements, design and construction inspection. RJA overcame many unique issues including making a directional bore to a restroom in the middle of a furniture store without having to close the business.
This was one of the largest single residential sewer projects in Madisonville’s history and was completed on time and within budget.
PROJECT: City of Greenville Sub Area 3 Sewer Rehabilitation Project
OWNER: City of Greenville, KY
COMMENTS: RJA’s responsibilities include design, permits, encroachments, construction management and resident inspection. This project involved the rehabilitation or replacement of manholes and approximately 4,600 feet of main line sewer was rehabilitated using the pipe bursting/lining method.
This project scope was to determine areas of major infiltration in addition to correcting overflows. RJA performed extensive camera work. Many broken lines were discovered in addition to major root blockages. A plan was developed to clean and burst and upsize the lines, eliminating major infiltration and blockages. In addition 25 manholes were repaired and grouted.