Greenville Sewer Project

south main sewer

PROJECT: City of Greenville Sewer Improvement / Rehabilitation Project
COMMENTS: RJA’s responsibilities include funding assistance, design, permits, encroachments, construction management and resident inspection.
• A combination of replacing and rehabilitating approximately 3,800 feet of Cherry Street sewer line.  The Cherry Street sewer runs adjacent to a creek and has numerous inflows, is clogged with roots and causes several overflows.
• Rehabilitate about 50 manholes to eliminate inflow.  Many manholes are brick or badly damaged and leaking severely.
• Upgrade 4 existing lift stations including, Paradise Lift Station, Hospital Lift Station, Caney Creek LS and Oakland Hills LS to include new pumps, electrical, and repairing leaks.
• Construct about 5,800 feet of new 10 inch gravity line.  This construction will accept gravity flow from two existing lift stations (Muhlenberg South and the South Main LS) and allow them to be eliminated, reducing O & M costs.  It will also allow the Oakland Hills LS to flow in the new gravity line reducing the flow to Cherry Street sewer by 100 gpm reducing SSO’s.

This project was successful in reducing I & I, sewer overflow, improving wastewater treatment, and reducing O & M cost.  Total cost of the project, $2.2 Million.