PROJECT: City of Greenville-Raw Waterline/Well Project
OWNER: Greenville Utility Commission
COMMENTS: RJA’s involvement in this project includes assisting in fund procurement, preliminary engineering for EDA grant/loan requirements, design, environmental permits, project bidding and construction inspection. RJA provided preliminary engineering services for the grant and with PADD to secure additional funding from other sources. Once funding was secured, RJA completed the design to meet both Kentucky Transportation standards for work within KTC ROW and Kentucky Division of Water requirements and obtained all environmental approvals for the construction of the 18,350 foot 4 inch PVC line to the City’s impoundment, Luzerne Lake. Also included in this project was a 925 foot deep groundwater well and pump to supplement Luzerne Lake during drought periods.

PROJECT: City of Greenville-Hospital Waterline Project
OWNER: Greenville Utility Commission
COMMENTS: RJA’s involvement in this project includes assisting in fund procurement, preliminary engineering for EDA grant/loan requirements, design, environmental permits, project bidding and construction inspection.  RJA provided preliminary engineering services for the grant and with PADD to secure additional funding from other sources. Once funding was secured, RJA completed the design to meet both Kentucky Transportation standards for work within KTC ROW and Kentucky Division of Water requirements and obtained all environmental approvals for the construction of the 3,000 foot 10 inch line to Muhlenberg County Hospital.

PROJECT: City of Greenville-Highway 62 Utility Relocation Project
OWNER: City of Greenville
COMMENTS: The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet will widen Highway 62 from the Muhlenberg County Hospital to  the intersection with KY 181. RJA was responsible for engineering services as they relate to the water and sewer utility relocation design and construction inspection within the KTC project area.

PROJECT: Hanson Sewer System Replacement Project Phase 1 and 2
OWNER: City of Hanson, KY        
COMMENTS: RJA’s responsibilities include design, permits, encroachments, easements, construction management and resident inspection. A total of 48,000 feet of force main and gravity sewer line and 3 new lift stations were constructed to replace the existing grinder pump, low pressure sewer system. The financial considerations demonstrated that complete replacement of the existing system, including increasing the capacity of the existing lift stations, construction of new lift stations, and converting from pressure collection to gravity was the most affordable long term benefit to the city. RJA has completed and submitted grant applications to RDA and CBDG for this project.

PROJECT: Madisonville Community College Drainage Basin
OWNER: Madisonville Community College
COMMENTS: RJA was responsible for the surveying, design (including hydrologic analysis), permits and construction management of this project. This project allows for a controlled discharge of storm water from the College parking lot and grounds into the City’s water supply. The design included a 3 acre storm water retention basin with a 48 inch and 60 inch CMP for low and high water discharge. This project involved the cooperation of the Madisonville Community College, City of Madisonville and one adjacent landowner.