PROJECT: City of Earlington Sewer Improvement/Rehabilitation Project
OWNER: City of Earlington, KY
COMMENTS: RJA’s responsibilities include funding assistance, design, permits, encroachments, construction management and resident inspection.
PROJECT SCOPE: This project will make improvements to the existing sewer collection system by finding, repairing and/or replacing damaged sewer mains and manholes within the system. The project will reduce infiltration and inflow (I/I) by a minimum of 30% and reduce the gallons per day being treated by the Madisonville WWTP. Project will concentrate on the clay pipe that is known to be located on the north side of town. This project will replace approximately 19,000 linear feet of clay tile pipe with 8-inch and 10-inch PVC pipe. As more detailed design is done, some HDPE pipe may be utilized with a technique called pipe bursting rather than all open trench work and installing PVC. Pipe bursting can be done under streets more cheaply than open trench because the asphalt does not need to be replaced.
PROJECT BENEFIT: The project will reduce I/I which will reduce system overflows. This project will create a cleaner environment for the City of Earlington.