PROJECT: City of Earlington Sewer Improvement/Rehabilitation Project
OWNER: City of Earlington, KY
COMMENTS:  RJA’s responsibilities include funding assistance, design, permits, encroachments, construction management and resident inspection.

PROJECT SCOPE: This project will make improvements to the existing sewer collection system by finding, repairing and/or replacing damaged sewer mains and manholes within the system. The project will reduce infiltration and inflow (I/I) by a minimum of 30% and reduce the gallons per day being treated by the Madisonville WWTP. Project will concentrate on the clay pipe that is known to be located on the north side of town. This project will replace approximately 19,000 linear feet of clay tile pipe with 8-inch and 10-inch PVC pipe. As more detailed design is done, some HDPE pipe may be utilized with a technique called pipe bursting rather than all open trench work and installing PVC. Pipe bursting can be done under streets more cheaply than open trench because the asphalt does not need to be replaced.

PROJECT BENEFIT: The project will reduce I/I which will reduce system overflows. This project will create a cleaner environment for the City of Earlington.

PROJECT: Henderson River Port Authority—Preliminary Study for Drainage Improvements
OWNER: City of Henderson, KY
COMMENTS: RJA completed a drainage study of the River Port Authority property and adjacent properties to improve overall drainage in this relatively flat area. RJA’s hydrologic analysis revealed that drainage control could be achieved with improved ditches, culverts and retention basins. The total estimated cost of this project would be $500,000.

PROJECT: Pogue Investments, LLC
OWNER: Mark Pogue, President
COMMENTS: RJA completed the site design, permits and construction inspection from Kentucky Transportation and Kentucky Division of Water, survey and construction inspection. The design included highway ROW access, storm water controls, parking, lighting and general site layout.

PROJECT: Dawson Brings Airport Drainage Improvements
OWNER: City of Dawson Springs, KY
COMMENTS: RJA completed the survey, design (including hydrologic analysis) and construction inspection of the airports drainage improvements. The design included retention basin, new 42 inch CMP pipe arch and 3,900 feet of stream bank stabilization.

PROJECT: City of Greenville-Raw Waterline/Well Project
OWNER: Greenville Utility Commission
COMMENTS: RJA’s involvement in this project includes assisting in fund procurement, preliminary engineering for EDA grant/loan requirements, design, environmental permits, project bidding and construction inspection. RJA provided preliminary engineering services for the grant and with PADD to secure additional funding from other sources. Once funding was secured, RJA completed the design to meet both Kentucky Transportation standards for work within KTC ROW and Kentucky Division of Water requirements and obtained all environmental approvals for the construction of the 18,350 foot 4 inch PVC line to the City’s impoundment, Luzerne Lake. Also included in this project was a 925 foot deep groundwater well and pump to supplement Luzerne Lake during drought periods.